Mr. T vs. Lamers
I pitty the fool who floods on IRC!

Mr. T est de retour, cette fois-ci il combat les lamers qui se pensent toff avec leurs skillz, mais Mr. T lui, est helluvatoff!

Voici donc comment tout cela à commencé...
Quelque part au Centinel hackfest..

he salut Mr. T
alors on voit que t asser leet pour avoir hacké le serveur Apache toi aussi
amène toi sur notre ircd pass: igaknows


[No connection yet]
[Connection established]

yeah, mah PHP skillz are helluvaleet.
ok see ya on the jibba-jabba ircd! 

ùíù BitchX: Auto Response is set to - MrT
ùíù Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0]
ùíù BitchX: For more information about BitchX type /about
ùíù Welcome to the Internet Relay Network
          MrT!helluva@Rewter.iga.mkd (from iga.irc)
ùíù Your host is iga.irc, running version 2.10.3p3 (from iga.irc)
ùíù This server was created Sat Jul 28 2002 at 21:16:40 EDT (from iga.irc)
ùíù iga.irc 2.10.3p3 aoOirw abeiIklmnoOpqrstv
ùíù [local users on irc(3)] 100%
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ùíù Mode change [+i] for user MrT
ùíù Mode change [+w] for user MrT
ùíù MrT [helluva@Rewter.iga.mkd] has joined #iga
ùíù [Users(#iga:3)]
[ MrT ] [ @__2 ] [ @Wyzeman ] [ 
<MrT> rockin' !
<Wyzeman> :]
<__2> salut Mr T
<MrT> hey folks, have ya seen this :
<MrT> - - [07/Nov/2002:17:56:23 -0500] "GET /..%c0%af../winnt
/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+c: HTTP/1.1" 404 315
<MrT> I pitty the fool that is thinkin' that this box is WINNT!!!
<__2> y sont effectivement stupide.
<Wyzeman> c surement le pyro team
<Wyzeman> c toute ski savent faire :]
<__2> Le mot de passe est : blehuid
<__2> on a presque fini.. mais pyrofreak vont nous faire discalifier paske
on a hacker le server web
<MrT> the same fools who think that its WinNT?
<MrT> I'll crush theese sucka!
<Wyzeman> MrT: tu veux aider Mindkind?
<MrT> Wyze: maybe later, but for now I'm gonna bust theese crazy fools!
<Wyzeman> nice :]
<__2> sont pas capable de hacker eux autres..
<__2> fak y tryent toute les toolz, script kids. :}
<MrT> damn, the fools are arp poisonning tha switch!
ùíù [Disconnected from: iga.irc]

pendant ce temps...

to be continued...